Finding time to write and blog seems to continue evading me.
I work full-time, have a church calling, a 5th grader to help, I'm in school to finish my BA in English, and then there is the dishes, the laundry, the dusting (well, honestly that almost never gets done lol).
Everytime I finally sit down to write or blog the mind goes blank! It is so frustrating.
But, I'm just being a whiner! I'm sure ya'll all have the same time-stealing activities, too.
So, maybe I need some help. What are some of the things that work for you in allowing you to have the time for writing? That is of course assuming you have time to read this blog! HeHeHe...
LDStorymakers Conference was awesome. It was my 2nd year, and it was so much fun running into familiar faces and seeing their successess. Two of the people that had been at my bootcamp table in 2010 had their work published this year! I'm so jealous I could actually spit nails! Just Kidding! ;)
No, really I'm so happy for them! This year I had Rebecca Cornish Talley at my bootcamp table, and had a great time with our table. One of my biggest obstacles with my writing is my own self-confidence. I struggle everyday with it, and I think it is part of my time-stealing issues. I just can't seem to get myself to think that I can actually do this, and write a novel. But I received some pretty decent feedback from bootcamp, and my critique group, so I'm gonna keep on truckin'!
One of my WIPs, has been really frustrating me. I've been beating my head around an idea, and trying to fit a story around it. The more I brainstorm, the more the story wants to go another direction. I seem to have too many ideas, and can't settle on which direction to go...AARRGGHHH!
I really enjoyed Larry Brooks, Story Engineering class, and that is what I've decided to do with my WIP. I'm going to go back to the drawing board, and really try to blueprint the story out. But the longer I do that, and not write, the more I start to feel like I'm not accomplishing anything!
Sorry, I'm whining again. I know I just need to sit down and break down my basic storyline, and the build from there. Now I just have to figure out when to do that...
Well, Thanks as always for listening to me rant!
Can't wait to hear your ideas for how to find the time to write more.
Help Me!
Love Always,