Wednesday, November 3, 2010

NaNoWriMo has started!

OKay, so National Novel Writing Month has started and I took the plunged this year to write 50,000 words in one month. Nov 1 to 30th! Crazy I know, but I'm going to try. As of day 3 I'm at 1879! Yikes. I'm hoping to keep plugging along during the first half of the month while I'm finishing my Shakespeare Class. Too much reading and writing for class and it takes alot of time. But I'm done with the class as of Nov. 20th, and that will give me 10 days of literary abandon to fill in the words I'm short by that time. I think I can, I think I can , I hope I can! The power of positive thinking, right?

Update on my arm...MRI shows a bigger fracture than they thought and it hasn't healed like they thought either. So I have an appt with the Orthopedic Surgeon on Nov 12 to find out what my options include. I'm not looking forward to it at all...Could be surgery, could be casted..not sure, but either way it sucks!

So I'm stealing a writing tip today from another writing buddy, Tristi Pinkston, because she is always full of wisdom.....

Just sit down and write something, already!

Yes Ma'am!

Love Always.

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